Buildings, Grounds and Maintenance

The primary responsibility of the department is to maintain the school buildings and surrounding athletic fields to ensure the students have a safe and clean place to learn, as well as excel academically, and athletically. Mr. Gieschen can be reached at Office: 856-423-2222 Ext.1231 ~ Email:

Material Safety Datasheets

A Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provides information on the properties of a substance, as well as physical hazards, exposure limits, and precautions associated with the substance. The MSDS also may provide instructions for the safe use and handling of the substance.

Material Safety Data Sheets for Paulsboro Public Schools are available for online viewing and printing through the PARS Environmental Inc. website (see link below).

Click here to view Material Safety Data Sheets for Paulsboro Public Schools 

Please use the following information if you are accessing the website and not logged on to a school district computer:

User name: psd

Password: sds1


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Derek Gieschen, Director